Habitat Home Repair Program

The Habitat Home Repair Pilot Program assists Prince Edward Island homeowners to undertake critical time-sensitive repairs. The goal is to support low to moderate-income households, ensuring safe and accessible homes for aging in place. Resolving health and safety deficiencies, as well as accessibility modifications, in an affordable way and allowing them to remain in their home with pride and dignity. Eligible applicants can access up to $15,000 as a loan for essential repairs, including materials and third-party contractor fees.

Home Repair Makes a Big Impact

With the Habitat Home Repair Pilot Program...

We hope to expand Habitat PEI’s capacity to help homeowners in need of a safe and quality place to live while preserving housing stock that might otherwise deteriorate to a point that is beyond repair.

During this pilot program, Habitat PEI will be identifying its capacity to continue this program beyond 2023.

Habitat Home Repair Program Applicant Eligibility Criteria

PEI resident and Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident.

Must be the primary owner(s) of the home to be repaired.

Home is in Prince Edward Island, serving as the applicant's main residence.

Home is insured under active property insurance.

Demonstrated need for critical repairs that cannot be secured in the open market due to, for example, the inability to secure commercial financing and /or the inability to navigate the repair-services market.

Willingness to partner and ability to pay Habitat. Successful applicant may also be relevant subject to i) affiliate policies; ii) funding restrictions such as sources secured by affiliates for the program iii) complete Habitat survey before and after the repair

Gross annual salary falls within income bands specified.

Eligible repair costs encompass materials, 3rd party contractor services, travel, and administrative fees for essential exterior envelope repairs (roofing, siding, windows, doors, insulation).

Ineligible repairs include driveway, shed, or detached garage repairs.

Are you in need?

Once Habitat PEI receives each application and supporting documentation, it goes through an intake process to determine that it meets all program criteria & eligibility. Once applications are received, there is a minimum two-week lead time to process applications.

Habitat PEI will require site visits to inspect the property.

If the applicant is considered eligible for financing under the program, Habitat PEI will then follow up with an “Offer to Finance at 0% interest” letter. This letter confirms the applicant’s eligibility for the program, the amount of loan financing being offered, and the terms and conditions of the proposed loan.

Please complete all sections of this form.

We will accept applications as a pilot program while assessing our capacity to deliver the program. Habitat Home Repair Program offers zero interest loans up to $15,000. Habitat PEI may secure loans of $5,000 and over to the title of the applicant's home. Loans of $5,000 or more will have a maximum term of ten years. Loans less then $5,000 will have a maximum term of seven years.

Habitat Home Repair Loans are contractual obligations, successful applicants will receive a Letter of Offer and debt repayment plan.

Fill out the application below.

Expression of Interest Pre-Application Form