Harrington Groundbreaking Ceremony

For media inquiries:
Pam Schurman Montgomery
CEO, Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Island
[email protected]
(902) 367 3559

Press Release: Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Island celebrates the groundbreaking of two new homes in the community of Harrington.

Prince Edward Island – On April 28, 2023, Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Island will celebrate the groundbreaking of two new homes in Harrington. Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Island just went through a rigorous selection process, and we have two families selected for these homes. The first family is a family of five, who migrated to Canada from Syria in 2017. The second family is a single mother with a son and a daughter.

Families for Habitat for Humanity homes are selected on the basis of need, their ability to repay a no-down payment, no-interest mortgage, and their commitment to volunteer 500 hours of equity toward their home and community.

Through the National Housing Strategy’s National Housing Co-Investment Fund (NHCF), the Government of Canada has invested $100,000 into these homes in Harrington, PEI, bringing Habitat for Humanity one-step closer to creating 1,117 new affordable homes across Canada. NHCF gives priority to projects that help people
who need it most. Its target includes women and children fleeing family violence, seniors, Indigenous peoples, people living with disabilities, those with mental health or addiction issues, veterans, and young adults.

“Every Canadian deserves a safe place to call home. Through the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, our government is investing in affordable housing here in Prince-Edward-Island and across the country. In partnership with Habitat for Humanity PEI, two Harrington families will now access affordable housing, achieve their dream of ownership, and have pride in where they live. This is the National Housing Strategy at work.” – The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion

“There is a great deal of work and cooperation that takes place during Habitat for Humanity builds, such as this one. The Government of Canada is proud to be a partner. The investments in these new homes will make a real difference in the lives of two families, a place they can proudly call their own.” – Heath MacDonald, Member of Parliament for Malpeque

About Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Island

Its provincial roots were established in 1996, Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Island is a non-profit organization working towards an Island where everyone has a safe and quality place to live. To date, they have helped more than 76 families throughout the province achieve the goal of successful homeownership. An affiliate of Habitat for Humanity Canada, the organization forms part of the more than 63,000 volunteers every year and 48 affiliate organizations from coast to coast whose mission is to mobilize volunteers and community partners in building affordable housing and promoting homeownership as a means of enabling a better life for families and their children.

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